6 Advice for New Managers to Tackle Challenges

6 Advice for New Managers to Tackle Challenges Blog

Whether first-time managers or new to a company, new managers confront a variety of challenges. Starting a new management job takes more than just changing to a new role; it also necessitates adjusting to the personalities, work styles, and demands of your team.

While a career in management may be rewarding and profitable, it also has its share of challenges and unpleasant periods. Managers must be able to cope with these situations and inspire their employees to improve and achieve professional success. You can evaluate if a career in management is right for you by learning about the numerous difficulties that managers encounter in the workplace. In this post, we’ll look at some of the most pressing management issues and how managers might address them.

In this blog post, Jaro Education has summed up some of the top management challenges and the ways managers can overcome them.

Decreased performance levels

Employees go through periods of time when they are less productive and driven, which is totally natural and human nature. To combat this, managers can assess staff performance on a regular basis to address management issues connected to lower productivity. Set defined work goals, put systems in place, assign specific duties to each team member, and give constructive feedback if they fall short of expectations. You may examine the workflow, pinpoint the source of the issue, and make appropriate changes. If performance does not improve, you may need to impose work discipline or restructure the team. You can avoid additional difficulties later on if you address concerns early on.

Hiring skilled employees

Making the appropriate personnel selections is critical to a company’s long-term success. A poor recruiting selection can have a severe influence on the mood of your workforce. As a result, while hiring, the job announcement should be thorough, with explicit descriptions of the candidates’ skill needs. By asking the correct interview questions and having them perform a sample work test, managers may assess the suitability of shortlisted applicants. It’s also a good idea to enlist the services of a recruiting agency.

Time management

Managers are responsible for ensuring that the team completes its tasks on time. If the team lags behind, it may have an impact on other scheduled events and may cause tension among the team members, resulting in poor work quality. Managers may avoid this by planning a thorough work schedule at the outset of the project, assigning tasks, and setting completion dates. Set the deadlines well in advance of the deadline for submitting the task. So that the team has more time to double-check everything and make any required modifications before delivering it to the customer. Managers should keep an eye on the project’s development. If somebody is having trouble with their responsibilities, they can reassign it.

Performance pressure

Managers may be under pressure to enhance their job and get more done in less time because they report to top executives or directly to clients. Excessive stress, worry, exhaustion, high blood pressure, and diabetes can be caused by long work hours and continual pressure to achieve deadlines and maintain high standards. Managers must have well-structured workdays to counteract this. If unforeseen problems arise, try to remain cool and focused on finding a suitable solution before informing upper management and clients. Let them know as soon as possible if you require a work extension or help so that required preparations may be made.


When employees feel cut off from their managers, they frequently doubt the management’s transparency, especially if some employees believe they are performing more work than others. To combat this skepticism, it is critical to creating open and honest communication, which will aid in the development of trust between the employee and the management. Explain why a job was allocated to them and how they would contribute to the broader objective when a task is delegated.

Retaining high performers

Across industries, employees with specialised talents are in high demand. Making an attempt to keep these excellent achievers is part of a manager’s job. One of the most serious concerns in management is employee retention. To address this issue, managers should ensure that high-performing staff are fairly rewarded and incentivize them by providing incentives like as bonuses, benefits, and other perks.

To Conclude

The Accelerated General Management Programme (AGMP) at India’s top-tier B-School, IIM Ahmedabad, aims to enrich professionals in the changing business world through highly interactive coursework that combines the use of technology with the imbibe of best management practises to develop tools and techniques. The Curriculum is a one-year programme that equips rising professionals to handle the difficulties of the global business landscape in the twenty-first century. This curriculum emphasises a comprehensive business viewpoint through an innovatively integrated pedagogy that includes business management functions as well as modern and new-age training.


  • What is the value of the Accelerated General Management Programme – IIM Ahmedabad?

With the Accelerated General Management Programme, one will get an alumni status of IIM Ahmedabad. The aspiring managers at the senior and middle levels in large corporates will get an opportunity to understand the concepts, paradigms, and theories underlying management. They will develop skills required to take strategic and managerial decisions.

  • Why upskilling is important for a better career?

Providing a pathway to new skills and career growth within your company can boost engagement and retention. Cost Savings: Since the cost of replacing an employee who leaves a company averages around a third of their annual salary, upskilling can mean significant cost savings for a company.

  • What are the objectives of IIM Ahmedabad’s Accelerated General Management Programme?

The objectives are to aspire managers at the middle levels to help them in understanding general management concepts, paradigms, and theories. Help them manage and understand how management as a set of functions can contribute to effective decision-making and aid in developing the strategy and organization of the business by integrating functions. To facilitate the professional growth of managers and prepare them for senior management roles in their organizations.

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