The Most Valuable Skills an Aspiring Data Scientist Must Have

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The Indian job market is trying to bridge the tech gap with data scientist skills. Reports suggest that 73% of Indian organizations were hiring for a select few job roles including data scientists, analysts and engineers. The niche data analysis, interpretation and informed decision-making skills that data science experts bring to the table are in huge demand in India. 

If you are interested in establishing a career and want to improve your data scientist skills, focus on education, training and continuous development opportunities. This can come in the form of master’s degrees, workshops, work opportunities or certification courses that can help you upskill. But first, what are the skills needed for the data science industry? Let’s dive deep into the skills required for data scientists to shine and how you can acquire them.

Data science importance


Top 10 Skills Required for Data Scientists

Data scientist skills are not just limited to knowing technicalities. The skills needed for the data science industry are a combination of technical and non-technical skills. Each professional must be well-rounded to have an edge in the competitive data science job market. 

Technical Skills Required for a Data Scientist

1. Programming

One of the most important skills needed for data scientists is proficiency in programming languages like Python and R. It is the very foundation of data science and offers versatile tools like Pandas and TensorFlow for data analysis, manipulation and interpretation. Machine Learning Algorithms are also a huge part of the programming process. 

For example, python might be used by e-commerce platforms like Flipkart to analyze customer purchases and current trends. One of the skills needed for data scientists is to use the findings to suggest the right products to the customer based on their past shopping history.

Python and R are constantly evolving as well, so it is important to be up to date with these languages for the best shot at success. 

2. Mathematics and Statistics

Data scientist skills involve a deep understanding of statistics and mathematical formulation. This includes knowledge of probability, hypothesis testing theories and linear algebraic equations. Data scientists use a lot of calculations to interpret data accurately. That’s the best way to make precise predictions. 

For example, in a hospital, the skills needed for a data scientist like statistics, can be applied to understanding patient information, trends in illnesses and the effectiveness of each treatment method to make diagnosis and treatment more targeted and successful.

3. Machine Learning Algorithms

This is a key data scientist skill. Machine Learning is an integral part of teaching AI and computer applications how to read data and skilled professionals play a huge part in its accuracy. Algorithms like neural networks and decision trees are essential skills needed for data scientists for creating predictive analytics models. Moreover, data scientist skills go further from ML with deep learning frameworks like PyTorch. This adds significant value to your resume because you can deal with more complex data. 

For example, Machine Learning algorithms could help a bank spot scam transaction patterns and reduce financial losses for the clients and the company.

4. Data Visualization and Handling

One of the top data scientist skills involves the process of data wrangling. This is the process where you understand raw data, clean it and structure it, ready for analysis. Data visualization comes after. You use these data analyzes to communicate meaning, trends and patterns accurately. Key technical tools you need expertise in involve:

    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
    • Tableau

For example, take a clothing store chain. The skills required for a data scientist to work there would be a solid understanding of these tools and use these tools to prepare data about sales performances of each style of clothing. This can make it easier to understand stocking and future fashion trends.

5. Database Management Systems

Companies use large datasets for their organizational decisions. SQL, or Structured Query Language is essential for managing these datasets.  Data scientist skills such as expertise in relational and non-relational databases can open doors for you to handle huge amounts of data. 

For example, in a shipping company, SQL can be used to track each shipment across multiple warehouses, until it reaches the destination. This allows for more efficient deliveries.

Skills Required for Data Scientists


Qualitative Skills Needed for a Data Scientist

1. Critical Thinking

Technical data scientist skills are elevated with critical thinking abilities. Knowing how to read data and interpret it objectively for well-informed decision-making is key in any organization. For example, a company that specializes in skincare can use purchase data to understand customer wants and needs. 

For example, if a particular product is not selling well, they can interpret data accurately- whether it’s the pricing, the ingredients or the results. While using programming languages is a key data scientist skill, knowing how to read the results and implement it in future decisions is one of the most important ones.

2. Problem-Solving

Large datasets usually bring lots of bugs and problems with them. One of the key skills needed for data science is to understand and solve them swiftly to ensure more accurate results.  To look for problems, curiosity is a great trait. It is one that adds value across industries because you have the intention to dig deeper, learn more and explore hidden bugs and patterns. Curiosity accelerates personal and professional growth.

For example, data comes with a lot of security threats. Data scientist skills involve:

– Consistent efforts to understand patterns

– Applying different ML models and hypotheses

– Determining the root cause of the security threat

– Eliminating them efficiently

3. Communication

This is not just a data scientist skill, but a key skill in any industry. Understanding the data is just the first step. Data scientists need to present it and communicate it in business-related terms to non-tech people, with insights that can solve problems and grow organizations. Being articulate, knowing how best to communicate insights (verbal/visual/audio-visual presentations) and clarifying any questions are all skills required for a data scientist. 

For example, a data scientist in a marketing agency could study the impact of ad spends on the clicks, views and ultimately, purchases of a product. If they notice that a particular demographic responds well to the ads, they can communicate to the client that they should invest their ad spends in that area with sales proof, without all the technical jargon. 

4. Commitment

A commitment to not just the job role, but to learning the industry, is a great skill required for data scientists. This is an extension of curiosity, because it involves consistently committing yourself to understanding the industry, the business you work for and the global trends that impact it. Data science needs to be molded from one industry to the next. Having industry-specific knowledge comes from committing to learning.

For example, if you are a data analyst in finance and move to a healthcare data analyst job, your understanding of medical tools, diagnostic patterns and industry trends is key to reading and interpreting data effectively.

5. Adaptability

Data science is a rapidly evolving field, with new tools, algorithms, and methodologies emerging constantly. Data scientist skills involve being open to new environments and having the zest to adapt and learn as you go. This helps in staying competitive and committed to future goals.

For example, data scientist skills can be upgraded with a certification course. By seeking out these courses, enrolling and learning as you work, you showcase commitment and ensure you adapt to newer tools and applications. 

Data Scientist Skill TypeSkills Needed for Data Science
Technical skills1. Programming languages like Python and R Statistics and mathematics
2. ML Algorithms
3. Data Visualization and Handling
4. Database Management
Qualitative skills1. Critical Thinking
2. Problem-Solving
3. Communication
4. Commitment
5. Adaptability

How to Gain Data Scientist Skills

There are many avenues where you can pick up the skills required for data scientists. A blend of different avenues can give you a broader perspective of the industry and equip you with the niche skills you might need for a specific industry that needs data analytics for its operations. Let’s take a look!

Area to ExploreAcquiring Data Scientist Skills How it Helps
Formal education methodsBachelor’s/Master’s education in computer science, engineering or statisticsCoursework covers skills required for data scientists such as ML algorithms, programming languages and Artificial Intelligence
ExtracurricularsWorkshops, hackathons, intercollege eventsExposure to competitive data scientists’ skills, practical experience with data handling and problem-solving, teamwork.
Work experienceInternships, projects, career pathsHands-on experience, learning and implementing simultaneously, exposure to complex datasets and mentorship opportunities within the organization. A chance to make a real impact with your data scientist skills.
Upskilling strategiesLong and short-term certifications Data scientist skills can be polished and upgraded through continuous learning in areas like ML, big data and data analysis.

Upskill with Jaro Education

It is interesting to note that the educational enrollments for data science-related courses have gone up by 46% this year in India. This showcases how lucrative the job market is for it. 

If you are wondering where to start with skills needed for data science, look no further. Jaro Education offers the bridge you need to access the best tech schools in the country. You could choose one of the stellar master’s programs offered through Jaro Education’s platform and unlock additional services offered by Jaro Education if you go through our website. 

We provide help throughout the application process with 1:1 mentorship sessions with education experts. Here’s how:

    1. We work with you to gain a thorough understanding of your educational background and career goals
    2. We connect you to the best courses that match your needs 
    3. We provide career guidance and counseling

Moreover, we work with universities to offer exclusive certification courses through our website. 

Here are some certification programs for you to upgrade your data scientist skills:

Final Thoughts

Data scientist skills are crucial and need to be upgraded constantly for professionals and aspiring data scientists to make a mark in the industry. We have highlighted 10 essential skills required for data scientists, but it depends on you to pursue it with passion, dedication and adaptability.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What skills are needed for a data scientist?

Data scientist skills predominantly involve technical skills such as programming languages, mathematics, data wrangling and database management. They also need qualitative skills such as communication, adaptability and critical thinking. This makes them well-rounded professionals who can not only understand and analyze data, but also interpret it and communicate it efficiently.

2. Is SQL needed for data science?

Yes, SQL, or Structured Query Language, is an integral skill required for a data scientist. It helps manage large amounts of data and uses a query-based system to easily access and organize it. A deeper understanding of relational and non-relational databases is also helpful.

3. Is Python enough for a data scientist?

Python is the foundational skill needed for data science. However, just Python is not enough to make a career in data science. A deep understanding of other programming languages like R, as well as knowing Machine Learning algorithms, AI tools and more is essential. Data scientist skills begin with a good understanding of Python, but to become an expert, it takes more.

4. What is the basic requirement for data scientist?

The basic requirement would be a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as computer science, statistics or engineering. This opens doors to campus placements and jobs because you graduate equipped with the basic data scientist skills to work as an entry-level data scientist.

5. What are the three major categories of skills required for data science?

Category 1 is technical skills. It is the most important because it showcases your ability to read and interpret data. Category 2 is non-technical or soft skills, which can be split into 2 based on how industry-specific it is. Industry-specific soft skills include domain knowledge while other soft skills are communication, commitment and adaptability.


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