Google Ads Interview Questions and Answers You Need to Know

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Cracking interviews for Google ads or Performance marketing is definitely a dream for any freshers in performance marketing. However, it is not as easy as it seems. From campaign optimization and keyword research to budget management and performance tracking, you’ll be expected to demonstrate both your knowledge of Google Ads tools and your strategic problem-solving skills. However, if you prepare most asked Google ads interview questions it will boost your confidence and improve your overall impression in the interview. 

For that reason, we’ll walk you through some of the most common Google Ads interview questions and offer insights on how to craft standout answers that showcase your expertise. Let’s get started!

Google Ads Types


Basic Level Google Ads Interview Questions

Here are some fundamental questions to help you prepare for your Google Ads interview. Master these basics to confidently showcase your knowledge of Google Ads.

1.What do you mean by Google Ads? And how does it function?

To answer this Google ads interview question, you can include the following points mentioned below: 

Answer: Google Ads is an advertising platform created by Google that enables businesses to promote their products, services, and content across the Google ad network. Advertisers can pay to display short ads, product listings, service promotions, video content, or drive mobile app installations. The platform relies on a combination of cookies and keywords selected by advertisers to target ads. 

The platform’s functionality revolves around the use of keywords. Advertisers select keywords they believe their target audience might use while searching for relevant products or services. When a user enters a search query matching these keywords or visits a website with related content, the ads have the potential to appear. Advertisers participate in a bidding process to determine the placement of their ads, and those with the highest bids are typically given more prominent visibility.

2. Explain How Google Ads Works

When interviewers ask Google ads interview questions related to Google ads workflow, they want to understand if you have basic knowledge regarding running ads on Google. Here is a brief answer below: 

Answer: Here’s an overview of how Google Ads operates:

    1. Setting Up an Account: Businesses start by creating a Google Ads account, providing essential details about their business, and setting up ad campaigns tailored to their goals.
    2. Creating a Campaign: Within the account, advertisers set up specific campaigns, each with its own budget and targeting criteria. Campaign types can include Search Network and Display Network Campaigns.
    3. Selecting Keywords: For Search Network campaigns, advertisers choose relevant keywords that match user search queries. 
    4. Setting Bids and Budgets: Advertisers determine how much they are willing to pay for each click on their ad (Cost Per Click or CPC) and set a daily budget to control overall spending for each campaign.
    5. Creating Ads: Advertisers design attention-grabbing ads with compelling headlines, engaging descriptions, and relevant URLs to attract potential customers interested in their offerings.
    6. Targeting and Ad Placement: Ads can be targeted by geographical location, time of day, demographics, and user interests. For Display Network campaigns, advertisers can also specify preferred websites or types of sites where their ads should appear.
    7. The Ad Auction: When a user searches for keywords that match an advertiser’s selections, an ad auction takes place. The auction decides which ads are displayed based on factors like the bid amount, ad quality, and relevance. 
    8. Ad Rank and Position: Ad Rank determines an ad’s placement on the search results page. It considers the bid, the quality of the ad, and ad extensions. Higher-ranked ads are more likely to appear at the top of the page.
    9. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Model: Advertisers are only charged when a user clicks on their ad, not when the ad is merely shown. This model ensures that advertisers pay only for actual engagement.
    10. Monitoring and Optimization: Advertisers use Google Ads’ analytics tools to monitor campaign performance continuously. They can refine keywords, adjust bids, and make other changes to enhance ad effectiveness and return on investment.

3. Explain Why to Use Google Ads.

When you answer these Google ads interview questions, make sure you add some recent updates and their benefits as well. You can follow the answer as given below. 

Answer: Google Ads helps businesses reach their target audience quickly and effectively by appearing at the top of Google search results. It offers precise targeting options, measurable results, and a pay-per-click model, which makes sure that you only pay when potential customers engage with your ads, making it a cost-efficient way to drive traffic, leads, and sales.

4. What is Ad rank in Google Ads?

This is perhaps the most asked Google ads interview question because of its importance in Google Ads. Follow the answer given below. 

Answer: Ad Rank is a crucial metric in online advertising, especially in pay-per-click (PPC) platforms like Google Ads. It determines the placement of an ad on a search engine results page (SERP) or across various digital platforms. This ranking is calculated by combining multiple factors, and the advertisement with the highest Ad Rank achieves the highest position. 

5. How to Calculate Ad Ranks?

You can add this answer in brief in previous Google ads interview questions. 

Answer: Ad Rank is determined by multiple factors, and the ad with the highest score secures the top spot.

While the exact formula for calculating Ad Rank can differ across advertising platforms, it generally considers the following elements:

    1. Bid Amount: The maximum amount an advertiser is prepared to spend for a click on their ad.
    2. Quality Score: A measure of the ad’s relevance and quality, along with the landing page experience. It typically includes metrics like click-through rate (CTR), ad relevance, and the user experience on the landing page.
    3. Ad Format Impact: Some platforms factor in the potential impact of ad extensions and additional formats on the ad’s overall effectiveness.

Ad Rank determines where an ad appears on the search engine results page (SERP). A higher Ad Rank doesn’t always mean a higher cost; it indicates that the ad is seen as more relevant and beneficial to users. The actual cost per click (CPC) depends on the Ad Rank of the next highest ad and is calculated using the formula:

Actual CPC = (Ad Rank of the Next Highest Ad / Quality Score) + 0.01

6. Explain PPC (Pay-Per-Click)?

Answer: PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, as the name says, is a digital advertising model where advertisers for website owners pay money or fees each time a user clicks on their ad. This strategy is commonly used on search engines like Google to drive targeted traffic to a website.

7. What are ad extensions in Google Ads?

Answer: Ad extensions are features in Google Ads that allow you to display additional information along with your main ad, such as a phone number, location, user ratings, or extra site links. These enhance the visibility and effectiveness of your ad.

Expert Level Google Ads Interview Questions

These expert-level Google Ads interview questions are designed to test your advanced knowledge of campaign strategies, optimization techniques, and platform insights, pushing your skills to the next level.

8. How do you use Google Ads Scripts to automate tasks?

If the interviewer asks Google ads interview questions related to the script, he is trying to understand your expertise in automating Google ads. 

Answer: Google Ads Scripts can be used to automate routine processes like big modifications, reporting, and performance tracking. You can create JavaScript-based scripts to manage campaigns, handle data feeds, and make real-time modifications. An expert should understand how to use scripts to configure bidding rules, automate ad testing, and generate custom alerts for various performance metrics.

9. Explain the differences between broad match, broad match modifier, phrase match, and exact match keywords in Google Ads

Google ads interview questions related to matches could be asked to experts or beginners; however as an expert, you can add some experience to build a better impression. 

Answer: Here are the meanings of each term in Google Ads:

    • Broad Match: Matches ads to search queries that are related to the keyword, including synonyms, misspellings, and related searches.
    • Broad Match Modifier: Offers a middle ground by allowing certain words to be specified with a “+” symbol, indicating that these words or their close variants must be included in the search query.
    • Phrase Match: Triggers ads when the exact phrase or its close variations appear in the search query, maintaining the word order.
    • Exact Match: Only shows ads when the search query matches the exact keyword or close variations, providing the most precise targeting.

10. How would you apply a bid strategy to increase conversions while maintaining within a budget?

Google ads interview questions related to bidding and funnel are generally asked when they are testing your experience and expertise with bidding. 

Answer: To optimize conversions on a limited budget, an expert could use a Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) bidding approach that specifies the target cost per conversion. They might also employ Enhanced CPC (Cost Per Click) to automatically increase bids for clicks that appear more likely to convert while remaining under budget. Furthermore, fine-tuning targeting parameters such as location, device, and ad scheduling can assist in deploying the cash more effectively.

11. Describe how you would set up and evaluate a remarketing campaign in Google Ads

When the Interviewer asks to evaluate remarketing-related Google ads interview questions, you can answer below. 

Answer: To launch a remarketing campaign, develop a custom audience list based on data from prior site visitors and segment them by activity, such as cart abandoners or product watchers. Use customized advertising to re-engage these audiences throughout the Google Display Network. Success can be measured using key performance indicators such as CTR, conversion rate, cost per conversion, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Google Analytics can also provide insights into post-click behavior, allowing the campaign to be refined further.

12. What advanced targeting options are available in Google Ads, and how do you use them?

Interviewers can ask advanced level Google ads interview questions when they are looking for an expert performance marketer. 

Answer: Advanced targeting options include 

    • Custom Intent Audiences: target visitors based on their behavior and intent signals, such as previous searches and site visits.
    • Custom Affinity Audiences: Target users based on a personalized affinity category, such as hobbies or interests.
    • In-Market Audiences: Look for users who are actively exploring or comparing products and services.
    • Life Events Targeting: Target consumers during important life stages such as moving or getting married. To capitalize on these, match targeting with campaign objectives, refine audience segmentation using data-driven insights, and continuously analyze and optimize performance.

13. How can Google Analytics be used in conjunction with Google Ads to improve campaign performance?

Here is how you can answer Google ads interview questions related to Integration.  

Answer: Integrate Google Analytics and Google Ads to acquire greater insights into user behavior after clicking on ads. Use indicators like bounce rate, pages per session, and average session duration to assess landing page performance. Use Google Analytics to establish remarketing audiences, discover high-performing segments, and track multi-channel attribution to better understand Google Ads’ involvement in the whole conversion path.

14. Explain how you would perform an A/B test on ad copy and what metrics you would use to determine the winner

Answer: Create two or more versions of ad copy (headline, description, CTA) and run them simultaneously in the same ad group. Ensure other variables, like bidding and targeting, remain consistent. Track metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and cost per conversion to evaluate which ad performs better. Use statistical significance to confirm that observed differences are not due to chance. Make a preparation related to A/B testing and perform it as well to tackle A/B testing related to Google ads interview questions.

15. How would you optimize a Google Shopping campaign for an e-commerce client with thousands of SKUs?

If you are applying for an E-commerce company you will get Google ads questions related to shopping campaigns to gauge your knowledge related to E-commerce marketing. 

Answer: For a large inventory, segment the campaign by product categories, brands, or high-performing products. Use custom labels to differentiate products by profitability, seasonality, or other business goals. Implement dynamic remarketing to re-engage past visitors, use automated bid strategies like Target ROAS, and continuously refine product feed attributes (titles, descriptions, images) for better relevance and visibility.

16. Give the reason why Google Ads can reject your creatives or Ads?

Google can reject your ad for several reasons, including:

    1. Violating Content Policies: Ads containing misleading claims, inappropriate or offensive content, or promoting restricted products or services (like weapons or drugs).
    2. Unacceptable Destination: Landing pages that are broken, non-functional, or contain malware.
    3. Editorial and Format Issues: Ads with excessive capitalization, unclear messaging, poor grammar, or misleading URLs.
    4. Trademark Infringement: Unauthorized use of trademarked terms without permission.
    5. Policy Violations: Non-compliance with Google Ads policies related to prohibited content, restricted content, and technical requirements.

Read Google Ads advertising policies thoroughly so you can answer Google ads interview questions related to policies. 

17. Explain the Impression Share Metric

Impression share is a metric that shows the percentage of times your ads were displayed out of the total potential times they could have appeared. It indicates the portion of all available impressions that your ads receive compared to the maximum number of impressions they were qualified for.

Here is the Formula: 

Impression Shares= Impression / Eligible Impression  X 100

How Jaro Education Can Help?

Learning Google Ads and digital marketing strategies is essential in today’s marketing management, enabling businesses to target the right audience with precision and optimize campaign performance using tools like analytics and ROI tracking. As digital marketing becomes increasingly data-driven, education in marketing, especially through advanced programs like Jaro Education‘s partnership with IIM Kozhikode, prepares professionals to develop innovative product strategies and effective marketing campaigns. 

The Advanced Strategy for Products and Marketing and Advanced Analytics for Products and Marketing courses equip individuals with both strategic insights and analytical tools, ensuring they can make data-driven decisions, enhance product positioning, and drive business growth through actionable knowledge and practical simulations.


Preparing for a Google Ads interview can be daunting, but understanding the key concepts, strategies, technical aspects, and most asked Google Ads interview questions will give you a significant edge. Whether it’s mastering bidding strategies, optimizing ad performance, or leveraging various tools within the Google Ads ecosystem, the right preparation will ensure you’re ready to showcase your expertise. 

Remember, the Google ads interview questions you face will likely test not only your knowledge but also your problem-solving abilities and understanding of real-world applications. Keep honing your skills, stay updated with the latest Google Ads trends, and approach the interview with confidence. 

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is the Google Ads test for an interview?

A Google Ads test evaluates a candidate’s knowledge of Google Ads, including core concepts, specific terminology, and experience in campaign creation. As Google is the largest search engine on the internet, effectively leveraging its platform is crucial for any company’s success.

2. Is Google Ads Interview hard?

The difficulty of a Google Ads interview depends on your experience and familiarity with the platform. With solid preparation on key concepts, strategies, and tools, you can navigate it confidently.

3. How can I pass the Google interview?

To pass a Google Ads interview, thoroughly understand the platform’s fundamentals, including key concepts, bidding strategies, and performance metrics. Practice with real-world scenarios, stay updated on the latest Google Ads features and best practices and be prepared to demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and analytical skills.

4. What if I failed in a Google interview?

As per Glassdoor, The average salary for a Google Ads Specialist in India is ₹5,95,000 per year. Additionally, they can receive an average cash bonus of ₹95,000, with a range from ₹2,854 to ₹2,76,000.


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