How Strategic Sales Management & New Age Marketing Certificate Programme Helps In Career Growth?

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Tom Hopkins once said “selling is the art of asking the right questions to get the minor yeses that allow you to lead your prospect to the major decision. It’s a simple function, and the final sale is nothing more than the sum total of all your yeses.” That’s true, the art of selling lies in persuasion. However in today’s time, just persuading your customers with the right words isn’t enough. You need a strategic sales management plan. 

While some are gifted in the art of persuasion some are extremely creative with their selling techniques. But if you want to take your company’s sales to the next level, you should be a pro at both – marketing and selling. While marketing implies various digital and mainstream platforms used to promote the product/service, sales is all about creating a relationship with your customers and convincing them to choose your product. As a modern marketer or salesman, you should have an in-depth understanding and cutting edge skills in both fields. Marketing and sales always go hand in hand, that is why to run a successful business you require cutting-edge skills in both fields.

As a marketing or sales employee, you’ll always find yourself falling back to the same old traditional techniques that aren’t working for you anymore in this fast paced industry. In order to make your mark in your company, boost sales and achieve recognition, you need to upgrade your skills with a modern and interactive marketing management course like Strategic Sales Management and New Age Marketing Certificate Programme by IIM Kozhikode.

Here’s why you need to apply for this course to upgrade your marketing/ sales career.

  •     Upskills experienced professionals, and develops them into stronger sales associates

This one year long strategic sales management course is designed to upskill budding sales and marketing managers with in-depth knowledge of the current markets, customer behavior and best influencing techniques. Once you’re aware of the constantly changing market trends, you’ll be able to understand what your customers are looking for and how you can help them in the best way possible, thereby boosting your product sales.

  •     Provides you with key understanding of new age marketing tools and techniques

With the digital era upon us, customer needs and behavior is constantly changing. As a sales or marketing management executive, it is essential for you to keep up with this constant change. This course will not only introduce you to tools that can track responses but will also teach you the right marketing mix in order to reach your target audience. Through this Strategic Sales Management and New Age Marketing Certificate Programme, you will learn about various digital and mainstream marketing platforms and how to communicate with your audience through them. 

  •     Gives you holistic capability to resolve various sales-related problems

This intensive course not only brings you a challenging curriculum but also a highly experienced faculty that will guide you in every step of the way. Not only this, you will also get a chance to network with fellow marketers and sales professionals in order to learn from them and gain insights from their past experiences. After the successful completion of this course, you will be thoroughly equipped to analyze the changing market trends and come up with the most profitable solutions. 

  •     Offers exposure to scalable strategic sales management techniques

The curriculum of this programme is designed keeping in mind the current and the future market trends. As a degree student, you may have received an understanding of the changing market trends. However this course will not only provide you with a deep knowledge of the industry but also teach you about the latest marketing/ sales tools and techniques used by brands to boost direct sales. You’ll also learn how to analyze data and find out whether your products are performing well. 

  •     Programme evaluation with interesting assignments and projects

This marketing management course doesn’t just bring you a series of important information through online classes, it also involves a series of fun quizzes, assignments and projects to evaluate your progress. Through this interactive course you’ll be able to hone your communication, problem-solving and creative skills. 

Truly said by popular personalities, nothing really matters until it gets sold. Behind the progress and development of every firm, there’s a successful sales management team with excellent convincing and understanding skills. Through Strategic Sales Management and New Age Marketing Certificate Programme by IIM Kozhikode, you will not only learn how to be a part of a successful sales or marketing management team but also learn to lead the team.

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