How To Make a Creative and Successful Moment Marketing Campaign?


Remember those iconic Amul advertisements that always capture the latest news with a nice pun? Don’t you find yourself looking forward to content like that every day? Well, we sure do. When the latest local or Internationally trending news draws everyone’s attention on the hook, brands seize the opportunity to promote their brand by creating something humorous, informative, or just relevant to its context. This creates a moment worth remembering – and ultimately is the essence of moment marketing, seizing the correct opportunity to promote your brand in a fun, relatable, and engaging way.

The reasoning behind this shift from traditional marketing practices is simple. Customers are now part of the 24/7 news cycle, whether through online news sources or social media platforms. Therefore, to directly engage a customer and retain their attention, brands have heavily invested in moment marketing. The ultimate objective behind such an extensive marketing strategy is to establish a strong and lasting social media presence.  

To create this kind of marketing campaign, marketers must keep up with the latest news and have a knack for creativity. While some trending topics may be relevant to your brand, some may not, the marketer should be able to pick and choose which news would help the company create the best moment. While doing this, the creative marketer must also ensure that the campaign does not offend any community or society as this may lead to a bad reputation for your brand and may get you caught up in a legal soup. However, as a marketer, you should be willing to take risks by finding the smartest way to communicate what you wish to.

If you are a budding marketer who wants to learn all about the latest marketing techniques to boost brands, an Executive PGDM Program by Alliance University is just what you need to enroll for. This part-time executive development program offers eight specializations including Marketing Management that helps you learn all about the latest marketing techniques to boost brand awareness and sales.

Want to know how to create and develop some of the most iconic moment marketing campaigns for your brand? Here are some tips to help you in the way. 

Be quick, don’t hesitate

Ever heard of the saying ‘you snooze, you lose’? Well, that’s what moment marketing is all about. Once you’ve found great trending news to build a witty liner or a meme, don’t wait for other brands to do it first. Go ahead and create the trend, if your content is great, the other brands will definitely follow. But you’d be the one leading the trend.

Focus on your communication, not just the moment

Before you quickly jump to developing a campaign and posting it, make sure your communication is clear and on point. If your audience is unable to understand the meaning behind your creative visuals and copy, then your moment marketing campaign won’t be an impactful one. 

Make use of humour 

Humour is the best way to attract your target group’s attention. If you’re able to bring out the humorous side of the situation in focus, your moment marketing campaign is already a huge hit. 

Leverage your brand message

While working on the content for your moment marketing campaign, don’t forget to highlight your brand message. The whole idea behind moment marketing is to reinforce brand awareness, thus leveraging your brand message is extremely important. 

Try to boost sales through your message 

Your copy should also contain a call to action in your message that leads people towards buying your product. Make sure to show your product in the visual or you could promote it in a subtle way through your copy. End your message with a CTA like ‘buy now’, ‘DM now’ or ‘get in touch to know more’, in order to make the most out of your moment marketing campaign. 

Engage in friendly banter

Once you’ve posted your moment marketing campaign creatives online, chances are that people might write funny one-liners related to it in the comments section too. They might also ask you questions or engage with you on the matter. Take this opportunity to engage with your target audience in a friendly and sound approachable as well as friendly to boost your brand reputation.

As the importance, relevance and sheer presence of social media simply grows day by day, investing time and resources in coming up with new, engaging, and relevant marketing content simply isn’t as easy as it may seem. While one can focus on investing their time and effort in keeping up and trying to follow the trends, it is imperative to gain the right knowledge, understanding, and certification from the right university. The Executive PGDM Program by Alliance University is one such course, aiming to provide industry-relevant and modernized education through experienced faculty. Marketing management is offered as one of the eight specializations to the candidate opting to be a part of this PGDM Executive Course. 

You can be a part of this 16-month course, curated for professionals, and equip yourself to tackle the modern business world. For more information about the Executive PGDM Program by Alliance University, or other such programs, subscribe to our blog!

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