Mining Big Data: Advantages For Business Applications

MSc in Data Science


Modern businesses are primarily dependent on digital platforms for increased productivity, enhanced performances, and effective management. In a competitive and dynamic marketplace, data-driven decisions play a vital role for businesses ranging from startups to large enterprises. Data Science helps businesses to understand market trends and customer demands leading to better business strategies and planning. Computationally mining big data extracts patterns, trends, and meaningful information connected to human interactions and behaviour.

Business applications are benefitted from big data analysis in several ways, including cost reduction, increased work efficiency, increased sales and loyalty, and ensuring the right human resources for the business. The demand for data science and big data analytics is exponentially rising in different industries. A recent report on Statistica, the global big data and business analytics market will reach 274.3 billion dollars by 2022. The five-year compound annual growth rate is 13.2%, as per the report. Accordingly, the interest of students, freshers, and professionals in data science is rocketing. Many of them opt for the Data Science Masters Program in affiliated universities to become data science experts. 

Advantages of Mining Big Data for Business Applications

  • Increased work efficiency

Big data analytics digs into unstructured as well as structured data collected from several resources and transforms it into useful information that improves the efficiency of a business. It includes different algorithms, techniques, and methods that are taught in Masters of Science in Data Science. 

  • Maintains Competitive Edge of the Business

The primary purpose of implementing big data analytics in small, medium, and large businesses is to maintain their competitiveness in the marketplace. The information gained from big data provides insights into market trends and demands. It helps companies improve their business decisions and play strategically to increase their sales and overall business returns. Such critical decision-making is one of the major roles data science experts play in organisations. M.Sc. in Data Science is optimised with different strategies and methods to help experts make the best decisions for their organisations.

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  • Increased Sales and Loyalty

Digital data provides in-detail insights into users’ beliefs, preferences, likes, and dislikes. It allows data scientists and experts to tailor their services and products as per customer needs. Thus, resulting in increased sales and loyalty of customers to the brand or product, or service. Though big data analytics support a wide range of information, data science experts should have sufficient knowledge to use this information for business growth that can be learned through the M.Sc. in Data Science.

  • Ensures the Right Human Resources

Data Science is not limited to customer satisfaction and loyalty for business growth. It also helps human resource departments to choose the most suitable candidate for their organisation. Digital platforms allow recruiting companies to scan candidates’ resumes, social media profiles, and curricular and extra-curricular skills through keywords that match the job description. Thus, the traditional hiring process is rapidly transforming through data analytics. Candidates can get acquainted with these modern processes through a M.Sc. in Data Science available in online mode.

  • Importance of Learning Data Science Skills

To analyse big data and get helpful information, one needs to first identify issues requiring solutions in a specific business/enterprise. Additionally, the big data analytics solution should be user-friendly, flexible, and suitable for businesses in the present and future. It needs in-depth research based on reliable data science tools. Masters of Science program in Data Science can help data science enthusiasts to learn all fundamentals of big data analytics, tools, techniques, and technologies to enter or grow into Data Science opportunities.


Data Science is proving effective and impactful in the digital world. Businesses are growing with proper planning and strategies to withstand rapidly changing market trends and demands. All businesses in the modern world need data analytics experts to support their growth and competitive edge. It is also attracting candidates with different backgrounds to start their careers in data science. The IU International University of Applied Sciences offers the Master of Science Degree Program in Data Science delivered in online learning mode. One can learn and develop Data Science skills and expertise through this master’s course and start a career in Data Science with essential knowledge.

MSc in Data Science

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