Corporate and Public Leadership in a VUCA World

IIM Indore

Course Duration
08 Months
Commencement Date
21st April 2024
Application Closure Date
Direct to Device

Programme Overview

Leaders in today’s VUCA world must be capable of mobilising individuals, organisations, and networks – even beyond national boundaries – to find solutions to the ‘wicked problems’ that abound. As management professionals increasingly become influencers and ‘public leaders,’ it is more important than ever to shape and influence debates in the public sphere. IIM Indore introduces Corporate and Public Leadership in a VUCA World, which examines contentious issues managers in the corporate and non-profit sectors confront while performing their roles as ‘public leaders.’ Unlike other executive education programmes on leadership that approach the topic from the perspective of organisational behaviour and human resources (OBHR), this interactive programme highlights aspects of public leadership from a wide range of social science disciplines such as psychology, political sociology, public policy, and international relations. The programme will analyse the personal (emotional), organisational/national (policy level, particularly public policy), and global issues (international perspectives) that influence outcomes in ‘public leadership.’ It also aims to discuss the implications of these findings in managerial decision-making. Learn from IIM Indore’s eminent faculty and academicians, who will enable participants to pay special attention to issues such as changing dynamics between business, government, and society relations, negotiation strategy as part of stakeholder management, and risk examination through the lens of geopolitical developments.

Programme Highlights


IIM Indore Executive Alumni status


A contemporary programme covering the aspects of corporate & public leadership


Live classes by highly experienced faculty members from IIM Indore


Flexibility in learning: online classes on weekends or after business hours


Real-life case studies based pedagogy


3-days intensive campus immersion modules

Admission Criteria

Eligibility & Selection

  • Applicants should be working professionals/entrepreneurs.
  • Diploma (10+2+3)/Graduates (10+2+3 or equivalent)/post graduates in any discipline recognised by UGC/AICTE with minimum 50% aggregate marks at either UG/PG level.
  • Minimum 03 years of work experience post-completion of qualifying education.

Who should attend?

Management at the middle and upper levels, as well as senior functionaries in civil society organisations. This programme is primarily for those in Strategy and International Business, as well as those in other senior positions. Furthermore, participants with experience in Legal professionals in organisations, Economists & Research Scholars, C-Suite Professionals, Consulting Professionals, Political Leaders, Government roles, Defense Leaders, and so on are welcome to attend.

Syllabus Breakdown

Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

Stakeholder Engagement

Managing Risk

Ethics and Responsibility

Leadership Development

Gearing up for Future


75+ learning hours
(60 sessions)

Quizzes, Assignments,
Term Paper

Case discussions, Interactive lectures

On campus module of 3 days duration: 12 sessions

IIM-Indore logo

About IIM Indore

IIM Indore is in the forefront of providing carefully curated programmes which cater to the needs of executives. IIM Indore is renowned for its focus on academic excellence which is reinforced by the Triple Crown accreditation that IIM Indore has achieved. Being the second IIM to receive this achievement and being among the top 1% of business schools globally to have the Triple Crown accreditation, our executive education programmes are contextually relevant to meet the demands of contemporary business challenges. The institute has also ranked among the Top 100 business schools globally, as well as among the top institutions in India.

FT Executive Education Rankings Business Standard 2022

NIRF – Management Category 2022

Programme Coordinators

Hear from our Alumni

Programme Certification

Upon successful completion of the “Corporate and Public Leadership in a VUCA World” programme and meeting all other academic requirements, participants will be awarded a certificate from IIM Indore.

Note: The sample certificate is indicative. The Institute reserves the right to revise it.

IIM Indore certificate

Programme Fee Details

Programme fee
Fee Structure
Application Fee
INR 2,500/- + GST
Total Fee (Excluding GST)
INR 1,40,000/- + GST
Easy EMI options available
Instalment Pattern
Instalment Pattern
1st Instalment

payable at the time of admission

INR 80,000/-

3 days from the date of offer

2nd Instalment
INR 60,000/-

5th July 2024

  • Note: *All the amounts mentioned above are exclusive of GST.

Admission Process

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Frequently Asked Questions
Am I eligible for Executive Alumni status?

Yes! Participants who complete the prescribed programme criteria are eligible to get prestigious Executive Alumni status.

What is the attendance criteria for the programme?

Participants are expected to attend all sessions of a given course. However, Participants may take leave on account of emergencies, subject to the approval of the Programme Coordinator. However, 75% minimum attendance requirement would be considered for the final grading. For less than 75% attendance, grade cut as per the norms will be applied.

Who should attend the programme on Corporate and Public Leadership in a VUCA World?

Middle level and Upper-Level Management and senior functionaries in Civil Society Organizations. Mainly those in Strategy and International Business and other Senior roles can be part of this programme.
Participants with background in:

  • Legal professionals in organisation
  • Economist & Research Scholars
  • C-Suite Professionals
  • Political Leaders
  • Government roles
  • Leaders from Defence
  • Consulting Professionals majorly involved in industry consulting and external environment
Elaborate on the programme's pedagogy?

The pedagogy has been meticulously curated with a judicious blend of lectures, case studies, project work, term papers, and assignments, among other things.

Describe the evaluation methodology for the Corporate and Public Leadership in a VUCA World programme.

Participants’ performance will be evaluated on a continuous basis through quizzes, assignments, tests, and examinations. To complete the course, the participant must achieve the minimum marks/grades set by the Institute from time to time.

Program Counsellor

Program Manager

Zuhaib Shaikh

Program Counsellor Number

call Talk to our career expert: Ms. Prajwala Patil | +91 8976977832