Common Interview Questions for Data Scientists

General DS Jaro

Companies seek good employees, as much as employees seek inspiring employers. Microsoft and many other firms have released videos on how you can prepare for a data science interview. In addition, you can strengthen your technical foundations with a certificate course in Data Science or a Master’s in Data Science that can help you stay … Read more

Top 4 Strategies for Successful Sales Management

Strategic Sales Management And New Age Marketing - IIM Kozhikode

Introduction Maximizing sales is the target of most organizations for which they provide unlimited incentives to their excelling sales personnel. Is it easier to become the best sales employee and manage sales efficiently? Well, the Strategic Sales Management and New Age Marketing Course at IIM Kozhikode will make it a cakewalk for you! Sales management … Read more

What is the difference between a Data Scientist and a Data Analyst?


Introduction In the era of digitalization, companies are looking for employees with Big Data-driven skills, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. As fresh graduates or young professionals looking for a career where crunching numbers and looking into big data is a part of a job profile, one might want to consider the two positions … Read more

5 Benefits of General Management for IT Professionals Certificate Program


Introduction The current business environment necessitates a wide range of skills from employees. In the corporate workforce, most companies seek technically advanced employees who can efficiently comprehend the business environment and can apply these skills to increase the financial value of the company. An IT professional possesses the knowledge and technical know-how required for roles … Read more

7 Steps to Strategic Human Resource Management


Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin-in Introduction Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is the linear process of attracting talent from the market and ensuring that they are retained, rewarded, and developed so that both the employee and the organization reap the fruits of success together. For this, the HR department works in tandem with other departments within … Read more

A case study on effective HR management in a mobile store

case study on effective HR management in a mobile store Jaro

A case study on effective HR management in a mobile store Heightened customer expectations, draw major advancement in Human Resource Management for reshaping the world of modern businesses. With the rise of omnichannel networks and trends, Strategic Human Resource Management continues to thrive as it surpasses the uncertainty and cost pressures. HR operations provide a … Read more

What are the Future Prospects of Human Resource Management

HR-courses-for-working-professionals -Jaro

Introduction Human resource management is the core of any organization. Today, both the workplace and HRM have evolved. A human resource manager understands how to deal with employees and oversee the entire operation. In light of this, as a refined growth maker, Jaro Education enables smarter momentum by providing IIM Trichy- PG Certificate Programme in … Read more

Why Advanced Supply Chain Management Matters to Your Career?

As a business, sales or marketing management employee you must have come across the term supply chain management plenty of times, but how well do you know it? While you may be aware that supply chain management is nothing but the seamless flow of goods and services which involves everything – from transforming raw materials … Read more

How Strategic Sales Management & New Age Marketing Certificate Programme Helps In Career Growth?

Tom Hopkins once said “selling is the art of asking the right questions to get the minor yeses that allow you to lead your prospect to the major decision. It’s a simple function, and the final sale is nothing more than the sum total of all your yeses.” That’s true, the art of selling lies … Read more

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