Terms of Use

Terms of Use


Right to Amend Rules

The institution reserves the right to amend its policies, rules and regulations whenever and wherever it finds a requirement. If any changes are made, it will be intimated to all students. Hence, it becomes mandatory for the students to keep their contact details updated with the Institution during the program duration. Therefore, the prospectus and details that are provided should not be considered as a binding contract on the Institute regarding any specific rules or policies.

Student Undertaking

It would be taken in for granted that the students seeking admission to jaro education’s programs have thoroughly read the prospectus and understood all the rules and regulations described therein and agree to abide by the same. It is student’s responsibility during the program duration to update their contact details such as; address, an email id, mobile no., etc.

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions formulate an essential part of any contract established between the Institution and student associated to the institution.

To assure that the information in the Prospectus is accurate; every effort has been made. The Institution will take every step to provide the educational services as mentioned in the Prospectus. However, the curriculum content of individual program is under constant academic review and may change from time to time, with the modification in content, discontinuation or replacement. In addition, factors like industrial action, the death or departure of staff may make it impossible or possible for the institution to provide option mentioned previously. In the case of any rational deployment of resources, previously offered options may be subjected to the minimum level of interest shown in any given year.

The institution reserves every right to discontinue any particular program, curriculum, facility or to bring variations in the content or method of the delivery of program. If the institution discontinues any program it will take reasonable measures to minimize any disruption, caused as the result of changes.

Privacy Policy

A privacy policy has been created by us to demonstrate our commitment to ensure the privacy and protection of your information.

  • Why did you receive a communication from our side ?
    Our communication is permission based. If you received an e-mail or call from us, that is because our records indicate that you have explicitly shared the address for the purpose of receiving information in future or you have registered, purchased or already enrolled with us.
  • How can you stop receiving updates from us ?
    If you believe you have received unwanted, unsolicited email/calls sent through our system; kindly follow the link to unsubscribe our e-mails.
  • How we ensure your privacy ?
    We have highly secure and appropriate security measures to protect the information from against the loss, misuse or alteration of data installed in our system.

Applications & Website

Sharing and Usage

Our institution never share or sell the individual personal information for any promotional use without your prior permission or unless abiding the law of court. Information provided by you is only made available to our employees managing the purposes of contacting you through emails.

Policy regarding withdrawal from the course. (For Alliance University)

  • The course fee has two components: Registration Cost and Tuition Fee
  • The Registration Cost will not be refunded by the University under any circumstances. The primary objective of this stipulation is to discourage frivolous applications.
  • Refund of tuition fee – 75% of the fee paid – will be considered if a candidate withdraws from the course prior to its commencement. Such a candidate must submit the duly-signed cancellation application form to the Office of Admissions before the commencement of the course.
  • No claim of refund of tuition fees can be made if withdrawal from the course is made after the commencement of the same.

Disputes of any kind are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Bengaluru only.

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