Happy Work Environment = Happy Employee= Happy ROI = Happy Employer

Companies have people as their # 1 asset. While this statement might be true, “HAPPY PEOPLE IN COMPANIES MAKE FOR MORE PRODUCTIVE ASSETS”, might sound more accurate. Established statistics show that happy employees are 31% more productive, and 3X as much creative. While they also state that unhappy employees are 10 % less productive, this only proves that happiness can manifest into productive employees for a company, but also be a joyful manifestation of a cheerful ROI. A happy employee becomes the soul of the company making everyone positive alongside, and this positivity becomes the essence of the fun office environment.

The straightforward answer to the above question is a simple yes. We also need to know the correct & acceptable way to achieve this immense happiness. Happiness is a stimulating, unlocking key for a productive employee of the company. The key to a happy work environment is the happy employee. If an individual is happy then the energy is felt by every interaction he makes, and this cheerful personification of life reflects at your work environment as well. It’s a small circle of a happy work life.

Happy Employees are productive reflection on others in a company. While the team manager has a task of employee recognition he chooses to work upon, praise is not something that gives you monetary help. It is definitely a motivational light for scoring success in life. Recognition at work or in life is a small facet that makes an employee happy and smile from within. It is also a pre requisite to become a worthwhile asset for a company to never let go off.

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