Email Marketing and How to Do It Right [2024 Guide]

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, email marketing continues to be one of the most powerful and direct methods to engage with your audience. 99% of consumers check their email daily, and for every penny spent on email marketing, businesses see a great return. With numbers like these, it’s no wonder that email marketing continues to be a go-to strategy for marketers.

As of 2024, there are more than 361 billion email users globally, and this figure is expected to grow to 378 billion by 2025. That’s nearly half of the world’s population. If you’re not leveraging email marketing, you’re missing out on an enormous opportunity to engage your audience directly.

But it’s not just about reaching people—it’s about reaching the right people with the right message. Personalized subject lines can boost open rates by 50%. With statistics like these, it’s clear that getting started with mail marketing isn’t just a good idea—it’s essential for any business looking to thrive in today’s competitive market.

This guide will show you how to get started with mail marketing, build a winning strategy, and leverage email marketing tools and automation to maximize your impact in 2024.

How to Get Started with Email Marketing

Starting with mail marketing might seem daunting, but it’s actually a straightforward process. The first step is building your email list, which is essentially the backbone of your mail marketing efforts. This list should consist of individuals who have willingly subscribed to receive communications from your brand. You can gather subscribers through website forms, social media, or offering free resources in exchange for their email.

Once you have a list, the next step is to choose the right email marketing tool (which we’ll get into later) and design your first campaign. But before that, let’s talk about strategy.

What is an Email Marketing Strategy?

An email marketing strategy outlines how a business will use email to reach its marketing goals. This strategy covers everything from the type of emails you’ll send to how often you’ll send them, who your target audience is, and what kind of content they will receive.

The key to a successful marketing strategy is segmentation and personalization. Campaign Monitor found that segmented email campaigns can boost revenue by up to 760%. Personalizing emails using customer data, such as behavior, demographics, or purchase history, greatly increases engagement and conversions.

Here are some crucial components of a solid email marketing strategy:

    • Define Your Audience: Who are you targeting? Understanding your audience helps tailor your message and create relevant content.
    • Set Clear Goals: What do you want to achieve? Whether it’s increasing website traffic, boosting sales, or nurturing leads, your strategy should align with specific objectives.
    • Content Planning: What kind of value are you delivering? Create content that educates, entertains, or solves your audience’s problems.
    • Test and Measure: Continuously test subject lines, email designs, and calls-to-action (CTAs) to find what works best.

Types of Email Marketing With Examples

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to mail marketing. Here are some of the most common types:

Types of Email Marketing


1. Newsletter Emails

Newsletters rank as one of the most popular forms of this marketing niche. They are typically sent on a regular basis—weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly—and are used to keep your audience informed about your brand, updates, industry news, or product launches. 80% of businesses use newsletters to stay in touch with customers and maintain engagement.

Examples of Newsletter Content:

    • Product updates or new releases
    • Blog articles or educational content
    • Upcoming events or webinars
    • Company news or milestones
Newsletter Emails from Email Marketing

2. Welcome Emails

A welcome email sets the tone for your relationship with a new subscriber the moment they receive it.  It’s your chance to introduce your brand, set expectations, and encourage engagement right from the start. Studies reveal that welcome emails generate up to 320% more revenue than other promotional emails, making them a key component of your email marketing strategy.

Examples of Welcome Emails:

    • Introduce your brand and outline what subscribers can anticipate.
    • A special discount or offer for signing up
    • A guide or resource to help them get started with your product or service

3. Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are designed to drive sales by offering exclusive deals, discounts, or special promotions. These emails are typically time-sensitive, using phrases like “limited time offer” or “last chance” to create a sense of urgency.  According to Campaign Monitor, 68% of millennials say promotional emails have influenced their purchasing decisions.

Examples of Promotional Emails:

    • Discounts or coupon codes
    • Flash sales or holiday promotions
    • Product bundles or giveaways
Promotional Emails from email marketing

4. Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are initiated by a user’s specific action, such as completing a purchase, registering for an event, or requesting a password reset. These emails provide important, personalized information and often have the highest open rates—an average of 80-85%, according to Experian.

Examples of Transactional Emails:

    • Order confirmations and shipping notifications
    • Account creation or password reset emails
    • Booking confirmations
Transactional Emails from types of email marketing

5. Behavioral Emails

Behavioral emails are triggered by a user’s actions on your website or app, such as browsing certain products, abandoning a shopping cart, or downloading a resource. These emails are highly targeted, providing relevant content based on user behavior, which makes them effective at driving conversions. Studies show that automated behavioral emails can result in 3x more transactions than non-targeted emails.

Examples of Behavioral Emails:

    • Cart Abandonment Emails: Prompt users about the items still in their shopping cart and motivate them to finalize their purchase. Shopify shows that cart abandonment emails can recover up to 5% and 11% of potential lost sales, making them a highly effective form of mail marketing.
    • Product Recommendations: Recommend products based on a customer’s browsing history or past purchases, suggesting items they may be interested in.
Behavioral Emails

6. Product Recommendations

Product recommendation emails are tailored emails that suggest relevant products or services based on a customer’s previous interactions, such as their browsing history, past purchases, or items left in their cart. These emails are highly personalized, which makes them effective in driving repeat sales and increasing customer loyalty. 

Examples of Product Recommendation Emails:

    • “We thought you’d like this”: Suggest products similar to the ones the customer has previously browsed or purchased.
    • “Complete the look”: For fashion or home decor retailers, recommend items that complement a recent purchase.
    • “People who bought this also bought”: Based on purchasing trends, suggest products that other customers frequently buy together.
Product Recommendations- types of email marketing

7. Re-engagement Emails

Over time, some subscribers will become inactive. Re-engagement emails aim to recapture the attention of inactive users by providing incentives, and exclusive content, or by simply inquiring if they still want to remain subscribed.

Examples of Re-engagement Emails:

    • “We miss you!” emails with a special offer to entice the recipient back.
    • Survey emails asking how the company can improve its experience.
    • Notifications about updates or new features that might reignite interest.
Re-engagement Emails from email marketing

8. Lead Nurturing Emails

Lead nurturing emails are part of a drip campaign that guides potential customers through the sales funnel. These emails are strategically timed and contain content that educates and encourages the recipient to take the next step, whether that’s downloading a guide, scheduling a demo, or making a purchase.

Examples of Lead Nurturing Emails:

    • Educational content that solves the prospect’s pain points
    • Case studies or testimonials showcasing your product’s effectiveness
    • Invitations to free trials or consultations
Lead Nurturing Emails

How to Do Email Marketing?

Ready to jump in? Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to getting started with email marketing:

1. Build and Segment Your Email List

Before anything else, you need a list of subscribers. These are people who have willingly opted in to receive your emails, ensuring they are genuinely interested in your offerings.

  • How to Build Your List:
      • Include signup forms on your website for visitors to easily subscribe.
      • Provide incentives like discounts, exclusive content, or downloadable materials in return for an email address.
      • Promote your email subscription through social media platforms or paid advertisements.
      • Collect email addresses during in-person events, workshops, or trade shows.
  • Segmentation: Not everyone on your list is the same, so why treat them the same? Segmentation is the process of breaking down your email list into smaller, targeted groups based on criteria like demographics, behavior, or previous interactions with your brand.

Segmentation Examples:

    • New subscribers: Welcome them with a special discount or educational content.
    • Active customers: Offer product recommendations based on their purchase history.
    • Inactive subscribers: Send a re-engagement email with an incentive to return.

2. Choose an Email Marketing Tool

Using the right email marketing tool is essential to managing your campaigns effectively. Look for tools that offer automation, analytics, and customizable templates. Popular platforms include:

    • Mailchimp: Great for small businesses with easy-to-use automation.
    • HubSpot: Offers advanced customer relationship management (CRM) tools.
    • Brevo (formerly Sendinblue): Known for powerful segmentation and automation features.
    • Campaign Monitor: Excellent for businesses focused on design and branding consistency.
email marketing tools


The tool you choose should align with your business needs and the complexity of your email marketing strategy.

3. Create Engaging and Valuable Content

The key to successful email marketing is delivering value to your subscribers. Your emails should be engaging, informative, and relevant to their needs. Focus on content that builds a relationship, not just pushes for a sale.

Tips for Writing Effective Email Content:

    • Personalization: Using the recipient’s name and tailoring the content to their preferences or actions can significantly increase engagement. Personalized subject lines, for example, have been shown to boost open rates by 50%, according to Yes Lifecycle Marketing.
    • Clarity: Keep your emails concise and to the point. Ensure there’s a clear call-to-action (CTA) that tells recipients exactly what to do next.
    • Design: Make your emails visually appealing. Use images, videos, and a clean layout to enhance readability. Ensure your emails are mobile-responsive since 70% of users open emails on mobile devices.

4. Craft a Compelling Subject Line

The subject line is the first impression your recipient gets, and it plays a crucial role in determining whether your email will be opened or ignored. According to OptinMonster, 47% of recipients open emails based solely on the subject line, so it’s critical to get it right.

Tips for Great Subject Lines:

    • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for 40-50 characters.
    • Create urgency: Use phrases like “limited time offer” or “only a few hours left.”
    • Be clear and direct: Your subject line should give a hint of the email’s content.
    • Add personalization: Including the recipient’s name can increase open rates.

5. Set Up Automation for Efficiency

One of the key advantages of email campaigns is the ability to automate tasks, streamline processes, and ensure that content is delivered to your audience at the perfect time. With automated workflows, you can send personalized emails triggered by specific actions or events, allowing for more timely and relevant communication.

Examples of Automation:

    • Welcome emails for someone who subscribes to your list.
    • Cart abandonment emails to nudge customers of items left in their shopping cart.
    • Post-purchase follow-up emails to thank customers and recommend related products

Automation improves efficiency and keeps your audience engaged without the need for constant manual intervention.

6. Test and Optimize Your Campaigns

Don’t just send emails and hope for the best—track your results and continuously improve. It offers valuable data that can help refine your strategy. Implement A/B testing to experiment with various subject lines, email designs, and content to determine what resonates most with your audience.

7. Comply with Email Regulations

Adhering to email marketing regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the U.S. and GDPR in Europe, is crucial for maintaining compliance. These regulations ensure that you:

    • Get explicit consent from users before emailing them.
    • Provide an easy way to unsubscribe from future emails.
    • Don’t use misleading subject lines or sender names.

How to Get Started with Email Marketing With Jaro Education?

Email marketing continues to be one of the most powerful tools for businesses to foster long-term connections with their audience, promote products, and boost sales. Success in email marketing goes beyond simply sending emails—it requires a comprehensive grasp of strategy, TG segmentation, personalization, and performance analysis. Mastering these marketing skills can only come from a strong education in marketing.

Jaro Education provides access to cutting-edge programs that prepare professionals with the knowledge and tools to excel in email marketing. By learning how to create targeted campaigns, harness the power of automation, and use advanced marketing tools, individuals can enhance their expertise and drive meaningful results. 


We are in 2024 yet Email marketing remains one of the most effective methods to engage customers and drive sales, but it needs to be done right. From defining a clear email marketing strategy to using the latest tools and leveraging automation, there’s a lot you can do to optimize your campaigns.

By understanding the types of emails, using real-life examples for inspiration, and continuously testing and optimizing your strategy, you can fully harness the power of email marketing in 2024. So are you prepared to elevate your email marketing efforts?? 

Start now, and see the difference it makes to your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main 5 steps of email marketing?

The 5 steps are: define your goals, build your email list, segment your audience, create compelling content, and track performance to optimize future campaigns.

2. How can I start email marketing?

Start by choosing an email marketing platform, building an email list, creating engaging content, and sending your first campaign while tracking results to improve.

3. What are the four types of email marketing?

The four main types are promotional emails, transactional emails, lifecycle emails, and newsletters.

4. Is email marketing easy?

Yes, it is relatively easy and highly effective with the right tools and strategy, though it requires consistency and proper planning.

5. How do you create email ads?

To create email ads, design visually appealing content, write a clear message with a strong CTA, and target the right audience using an email marketing platform.


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