Top 6 Jobs One Can Pursue with a Computer Science Degree



From Netflix, Zomato, and WhatsApp to e-governance, internet banking, and google maps, Computer Science is the most sought-after field amongst all the STEM courses. This consequently generates a high demand for people with a computer science degree in the market. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow at 22 % from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.

The Master of Science Degree Program in Computer Science by IU International University of Applied Sciences provides you with a comprehensive curriculum, which enhances your skills to be ready for this job market.

6 Jobs to Pursue with a Computer Science degree

Following is a list of six high paying jobs that one can pursue with an MS in Computer Science:

  • Software Developer

A software developer primarily creates code for creating programs and applications, which allow users to perform specific functions on their devices. They are also responsible for installing, testing, maintaining and updating the software.

This role requires a professional to be skilled in core technical skills. The Master of Science Degree Program in Computer Science by IU international University of Applied Sciences will help hone your coding skills according to the latest demands of the market.

  • Data Scientist

A data scientist deals with enormous amounts of data and leads major projects, extracts and interprets data to give meaningful insights to bring efficiency to the business.

The Master of Science Degree Programme in Computer Science equips a budding data scientist with the required knowledge base to become an expert. This job role is different from a data analyst, who is more concerned with dealing with existing problems and structured data. One can take up Data Science as a specialization while pursuing a Masters in Computer Science.

  • Computer Hardware Engineer

A computer hardware engineer deals with the manufacturing of computer systems. This role requires a blend of technical skills and creativity because they are required to design, develop and test computer components.

The course offered by IU International University of Applied Sciences, Master of Science Degree Program in Computer Science, helps the students brush up their hardware engineering skills as a part of their curriculum. 

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  • Blockchain Developer

Blockchain technology is one of the latest technologies with varying applications in governance, banking, health system etc. As a specialized and revolutionary technology, it works on the basic principle of maintaining a record that is accessible only to the users.

A Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the IU International University of Applied Sciences will be a huge asset in the profile of a young graduate when applying for this role. The course helps them learn and work with advanced technology, helping them become well versed with the nuances of the field. 

  • Network Architects

Network Architects are responsible for designing and managing secure communication networks, including LAN, WAN etc. It is a highly specialized role that requires a good knowledge of the field. 

This specialisation is offered by the Master of Science Degree Programme in Computer Science offered by IU International University of Applied Sciences. 

  • Computer and Information Research Scientists

Computer and information research scientists invent technology, find new uses of existing technology to solve complex problems, write algorithms to find patterns in large datasets, among other roles. This is one of the coveted jobs in today’s market that requires a high level of expertise in the field of computer science. 

The course offered by IU International University of Applied Sciences, Master of Science Degree Programme in Computer Science, helps the students skill themselves in research as a part of their curriculum. 

Other Job Roles 

New shoots are emerging in the field such as AI, the internet of things, deep learning, data security etc. A lot of job opportunities would be making their way into the market. Here, comes the role of the course offered by IU International University of Applied Sciences, Master of Science Degree Programme in Computer Science, which offers a solid foundation in the field required to master these advanced technologies.

Demand and income in the computer science field

People with an MS in Computer Science are well paid because of the complex nature of the skillset and high demand in every aspect of the business. According to Forbes, the Masters in Computer Science has been ranked as the second-best masters’ degree so far.


If you want to make a shining career in this exciting and ever-evolving field, go for the Master of Science Degree Programme in Computer Science from IU International University of Applied Sciences. This comprehensive programme equips young graduates, with a specialisation in Computer Science, with the necessary exposure and learning in the field of Computer Science.


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